Health Disparity News

Study Extended on Healthy Aging in African Americans

A $24 million grant to UC Davis Health to extend a study on healthy aging in African Americans has been awarded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

The research, led by Dr. Rachel Whitmer, aims to understand the factors contributing to brain health and dementia risk in this population. Whitmer expressed excitement about the opportunity to continue the study for another five years, emphasizing the importance of understanding risk and protective factors throughout an individual’s life.
The study is particularly significant given the lack of extensive research following the African American community from middle age into late life. The goal is to improve brain health and reduce disparities, providing valuable insights into the health and habits of the participants over time.
See “$24M NIH grant extends Study of Healthy Aging in African Americans” by Lisa Howard on the University of California Davis website (January 17, 2024)

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