Health Disparity News

Overlooked health issues that need to be addressed in Asian communities

Asian American and Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (NH/PI) communities continue to face significant racial disparities in health care access and outcomes across the United States.

These communiies are not a monolith and comprise  over 50 racial and ethnic groups and speak over 100 languages. However, their data is often reported as a single aggregated data point classified as “Asian American,” masking existing inequities within their communities.

Up to 2.4 million people in the U.S. have chronic hepatitis B, and about half of these individuals identify as Asian American and NH/PI. It’s estimated that among Asian Americans, 50% of diabetes cases are undiagnosed. This is higher than any other racial or ethnic group.

And for maternal mortality,from 2017 to 2019, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders had the highest ratio of maternal deaths in the U.S. of all racial and ethnic groups


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