Health Disparity News

Experts: Resources and Trust Key to Reducing Cancer Disparities

Community engagement and access to resources are crucial for addressing racial disparities in cancer care, according to experts interviewed by SurvivorNet. Researchers emphasize that many minority patients are unaware of available services, leading to underrepresentation in cancer research studies and unequal access to screening and treatment.

Dr. Karriem Watson (above), a cancer disparities researcher with the National Institutes of Health, stresses the importance of providing resources to underserved communities. He notes that patients cannot participate in clinical trials if they are uninformed or unable to reach medical centers conducting the studies.

Financial burdens also play a significant role in these disparities. According to Watson, one in three families struggle to meet basic needs like transportation, food, and housing during cancer treatment. Connecting patients with community resources is essential to overcome these obstacles.

However, experts point out that distrust in the healthcare system is another major barrier. Dr. Isabel Scarinci, working on cervical cancer prevention at the University of Alabama, emphasizes the importance of building trust through reliable outreach programs.

The article highlights that addressing cancer disparities requires a multi-faceted approach. This includes increasing access to preventive measures like the HPV vaccine and cancer screenings, as well as ensuring that doctors can provide necessary treatment when cancer is detected.

Experts stress that reducing racial disparities in cancer care involves not only providing resources but also establishing trust and engaging with minority communities. By addressing these issues, healthcare providers can work towards closing the gap in cancer outcomes among different racial and ethnic groups.

See “Community Engagement & Resources are Key to ‘Closing the Gap’ on Racial Disparities in Cancer Care” (July 1, 2024)


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