Getting a mammogram every year, starting when a woman is 40 years old and continuing until she’s at least 79, could greatly lower the chances of dying from breast cancer. This is what a new study found when it was published in a medical journal called Radiology.
The study looked at different options for how often and at what ages women should get mammograms. They found that getting checked every year from 40 to 79 years old was the best way to reduce deaths from breast cancer. However, right now, only about half of the women who should be getting these yearly mammograms are actually getting them.
This is especially important for Black women, who are more likely to die from breast cancer than white women. One study suggested that if Black women start getting mammograms every other year when they’re 40, it could lower their risk of dying from breast cancer by 57% compared to if they waited until they were 50.
The new study adds to the evidence that starting yearly mammograms at age 40 is a good idea, even though there’s still some debate about the best age to start. The researchers hope their findings will help guide mammogram recommendations and assist women in deciding when to begin getting screened for breast cancer.
See “Annual breast cancer screening starting at age 40 saves lives” by Amerigo Allegretto on the Aunt Minnie website (February 20, 2024)