Health Disparity News

California farmworkers speak out about health inequities they experience

Increasing climate change events have placed insurmountable challenges on farmworkers and the exposure and risks due to climate change are not distributed equally, impacting farmworkers more than other populations. Through their own voices and digital stories, seven farmworkers in Ventura County, CA documented the health challenges they experience as a result of working in the fields during climate events.

These powerful and heartfelt stories bear testament to the daily reality that often goes unseen by society and document the growing and urgent need to advance health equity and climate justice. They also help to ensure that indigenous populations are included in the dialogue around climate change and health, workers’ rights and more; and serve as an educational tool to help government agencies involved with agricultural workers be more aware of farmworkers issues and more sensitive to their personal stories. Watch their stories.

See “Farmworkers Document the Health Impacts of Climate Change & Growing Need to Advance Health Equity, Climate Justice” (January 2, 2024)


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